The simplest wealth creation tool in your portfolio.
It’s still your revenue flow, we just made it simpler.
Joining forces with National Dental Healthcare REIT is more than a real estate strategy. It’s a better way to build your future.
Imagine a life with no more property management and administrative headaches. Where you can focus on caring for your patients and growing your practice.
When you partner with National Dental Healthcare REIT, you receive cash AND ownership shares for your medical or dental real estate. This portfolio diversification puts you on more solid footing. You customize your future while owning shares with significantly less work and liability. It is big league investing made easy.
Congratulations, your investment game just leveled up!
A proven investment strategy for dental providers who own their own building.
$0BThurston Group has returned $3B of invested capital
healthcare REIT focused exclusively on the dental industry
The Thurston Group has partnered with dentists and endodontists since 2012
REITs are required to pass at least 90% of taxable income on to shareholders
Ideal Investment
Putting your money to work for you, instead of the opposite.
Healthcare real-estate is an under-penetrated sector with just 7% of properties owned by public healthcare REITs.
What is a REIT?
Invest in shares
Acquisitions and/or capital investments
Rental income from tenant rents or investment payment